Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Day 6- Feedback!

Hey! Yesterday we had some group discussions in class and I got some feedback on my idea ;)

Day 6: Feedback.

My classmates suggested I start the film with a protest. I kind of not like that idea :/ I understand how it would make sense but I just feel its too normal! "Oh let's make a movie about this kid who protests and let's start it with a protest" It's too cliché in my opinion. I would rather start it by connecting the protest to the art, because there are LOTS of protests, but not lots of people who passive-aggressively protest through art.

One thing they said that I will apply is to establish his motives. Why is he protesting? Give a little bit more detail about his story, which will be hard in two minutes but it's possible.


Film: I was thinking that there can be another side to the story. Maybe the boy sells art to people who he knows are homophobes. He donates their money to LGBTQ+ organizations or something. So they are actually helping lol.

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