Sunday, March 1, 2020

Day 5- (I think) I'VE GOT THIS

Hellooo! So, first of all, those two events in which I had to sing(exciting right?), they happened, so I'm back to my regular schedule.And... in other news, I know what my film is gonna be aboutttttt!!! Well, not exactly. See, I have an idea, but I am not sure of it yet, I'm gonna ask around to see what people think, but for now, this is what I have:

*As I had zero ideas, I asked my teacher for help and she suggested I base my film on some social issues that I cared for because those are the type of movies I love the most. So, this is based on LGBTQ+ issues. 

------I don't have a title for it yet :/

------It would be a drama. 

Day 5: Idea:
  • sparked from walking through Wynwood and seeing all of these beautiful walls, and I thought "art, art to express yourself and what you believe in." Plus, there was some really good and symbolic art and I thought "OMG this is so emotional. I like emotional."
It would be about this LGBTQ+ teenage boy who is on his own protest against homophobes, he protests through art. The climax would be maybe the main character starting this big project of painting something on a really big surface. 
  • maybe he gets a group of people to help him on the way
  • maybe he doesn't get a group of people to help him on the way
  • maybe he makes a friend
  • maybe he makes an enemy
  • actually, for sure he makes an enemy
  • he uses all forms of art not only paintings
  • but mostly paintings
  Ideas for Opening:
  • It starts with the main character (mc), looking at art they created. Walks outside, raises art and leaves it there, exposing it to passengers, cars pass by, people pass by, until someone spits on them and says something around "disgusting" MC gives them an iconic comeback. 
Image result for dude with sign
like this but with art
  • Poetry. MC starts the film with a monologue/poem, breaking the fourth wall, and explaining their story and feelings. I'd like the setting to be really plain, white, "perfect", uncomfortable, and mc's costume and appearance would be the opposite, very relaxed, extroverted, unique.

Image result for white spaceImage result for messy person
These are very rough ideas, I'll come back with more detail when I have it!Goodnight! 

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