Wow. Day 29. We're coming to an end! I'm gonna miss writing in this blog:)
Day 29: Almost Done.
This post is just to inform you that I am doing my final touches on my CCR and it will be posted tomorrow:)
It is also to inform you that there's this musical. It's new. It's called Six. I used to not like it at all. I was like "mm I don't like modern music for musicals." Also, it's in a concert-like form. The actresses carry handheld mics and everything.
BUT I had to do this assignment for my musical theatre online class. It was a documentary on the musical Hamilton. The people interviewed kept repeating that this musical changed Broadway, it introduced rap to the musical theatre genre. And I started thinking: That's true, the musical is original, it's unique.
So I decided to give Six another try, because it also is original and unique and new and even if I don't like the music I very much appreciate the originality. I think being unique is very important.
Now I love it. The music and everything.
*Look at the costumes, I've always loved these.

See they're so original! I'm sure there's a meaning behind them.
The musical is about the six wives of Henry VIII. It's really good. Special appreciation for these girls' vocal range.
That's all for today!
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