Friday, March 6, 2020

Day 8- Character

Hello! I just wanted to say that today was a VERY EXCITING day as I attended a workshop in which the dance captain from Mean Girls the musical (<3) taught us a part of the choreography (which was very hard btw) and then we did a Q&A session!!! I even got a photo! I mean how cool is that!!!! Thank you Broward Center for the Performing Arts for this opportunity!

And, in regards to my project: Today I'm gonna think about who my character is going to be. What his motivations are; his family, his age, and more.

Day 8: The main character.

Name: TBD

Age: teenager, 18 (I have a friend who I want to play the mc)

Sexuality: bisexual

Family: Loving home, problematic attitude doesn't come from issues at home or anything. Two sisters, one older (supportive) one younger (like 5, doesn't understand). Mom is very supportive and gives great advice. No dad, but I won't mention what happened to him as being a single parent has to be normalized.

Motivation: Passion for the issue, passion for justice. Indignation for injustice.

Why art? He has always loved art and believes it is a very powerful medium among the people he is dealing with.  

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