Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 16


So I decided on the song Ave Maria. I was trying to find the original one because I wouldn't need to worry about that whole "getting the permission to use it" thing but I couldn't find it.So I'm gonna have to use a cover. This gave me more freedom. I decided I'm gonna use a cover sung by a man because the song is typically sung by women so I wanted to go in a different way. This correlates to that contrast I want to create between my main character with the song as they are both men who believe in different things.

I already sent emails to 3 people who did covers that I liked and I am waiting for their response.

Day 16: Song.

As the song is in Latin and I didn't understand what it was saying, I decided to look up the translation because it's kind of important to know what the song says. 

Okay so the quality is really bad, but that's the translation of the song to English.

I was thinking, in the part where it says "Ora pro nobis peccatoribus" which means "pray for us sinners" I thought I could put a shot of an LGBTQ+ flag because of the idea that homosexuality is wrong.
As that part is more towards the end of the song and I am not gonna use the whole of it because it's longer, I'll use it from after the 2nd "Ave Maria" so I get a little bit of instrumental before the singing starts.

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