Thursday, March 12, 2020

Day 10

Hello! I saw Mean Girls yesterday, once again, thank you BCPA, It was AMAZING!! I mean the amount of perfectness was unbelievable, the vocals, the acting, the dancing, the energy, the power... It was incredible!

Day 10: Music

So, my idea for music was to have music that contrasts with the painting. I don't know if I'd like it to be diagetic or non-diagetic sound yet.

I have to confess, I've been hiding something from you. This is because I didn't know if this was going to be controversial or not. But, recently, I asked my teacher and she said it wouldn't. Now that I'm sure it is not a problem I'll tell you the idea.

So, I don't know if you are aware of this, but one of the main problems against LGBT communities is religion. 
Many strictly religious people say homosexuality, in between other things, is wrong.

So... my initial idea was to have this boy have a protest against the Church. But I avoided mentioning it because I thought people might think that I was assuming that being religious is wrong, or that all religious people think this way, which I know is false.

Having said that, these are my ideas for music: : I like this one as people can tell it's religious, but I feel I want something that goes a little bit faster. : I like this one because it is sung by children, at least in this video. I think that's interesting as my main character is a teenager, not an adult, so he is still a kid. It marks that difference between him and these other kids, which is what I want to focus on, contrast

I'll think about it and let you know! Bye!

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Day 30

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