Monday, February 24, 2020

Day 3


Day 3: Research, the Sequel.

Here goes the research for the comedy genre.

  • laughable characters and/or situations 
  • most have a happy ending 
  • humorously exaggerates the situation, the language, action, and characters
  • create comic structure from the beginning, start big to set the tone
  • comic contrast- between storyline, goal, characters
  • feature pratfalls, wordplay, uncomfortable situations, and sometimes lean the opposite way of realism
  • test with audiences, to see if jokes are working

Image result for white chicks a thousand milesCharacters are most likely contrasting (there's an opportunity for more humor). There is almost always one character who is notoriously clumsier or funnier than the rest. For example: in 21 Jump Street, Schmidt. Sometimes characters are contrasting with their stereotype, like Terry Crews in White Chicks, a big, strong man who knows and sings the song 'A Thousand Miles" (very delicate song). 

Sound is crucial. Mostly happy music. In slapstick comedy (physical comedy), exaggerated sound effects. Sound effects are also used to emphasize certain jokes.

Image result for ice ageIn a comedy, colors are mostly bright and with high saturation. There can be a lot of oranges, pinks, and yellows as these create a light, optimistic, humorous atmosphere. 

Scenery/ Costumes:
Image result for mean girls halloweenThe scenery most likely is bright and in good lighting, as it creates that tone of happiness. Natural lighting is used to elevate mood. Full of color, also to set that happy tone. Costumes are either colorful or normal, to avoid distraction. They are usually everyday clothes, according to the time period. Sometimes costumes are used especially for comic reasons like Cady's exaggerated, super un-cool Halloween costume in Mean Girls. 

Editing a comedy is hard. Getting the right timing and pacing is important; if a joke doesn't work, cut it out. Contrast is used in scenes and shots to create humor. Slow and fast editing are mixed to keep the excitement up.


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